
tilt | things i love thursday

  • playing in the garden. i've been spending so much time with my flowers this year. the part that makes me the most happy about it is that i've only bout a handful of flowers, most of them have been started by me from seeds and clippings and plants make me so much happier when i get to see them grow from babies!

this is my neighbor's allium plant... it's like a giant purple dandelion and i love them. if you have any wisteria seeds i will happily trade you some allium seeds and/or some lavender seeds [when they turn to seed]. for real, i'm in desperation for some wisteria seeds people!
  • when people "like" my facebook page for my photography
  • days off from work... which i will be getting a whole weeks worth from july 11-15 and i hope to get a lot of picture taking and fun activities squeezed into that week
  • the salem fair... not that i've been yet this year, but the plans are in the works
  • there's only one more month till my birthday, fuck yes!
  • using my pinterest boards to coordinate photoshoots. i love being able to send a link to someone i'm about to take pictures of so i can get an idea of what they want to get out of the shoot and so they have some ideas for photos other than what they would get at the sears portrait studio.
  • this quote:
    life is like photography. you use the negatives to develop.
leave me some fun comments please, some links, some ideas, some inspiration, whatever. ideas for things to do with my glorious week off from my mind numbing day job!

oh and dori, if you are reading this, i got your comment and i'm going to write a big huge long bit of advice in response to your question, but it will take me a little while to get it all together!


window shopping | deep down i'm a dirty hippy

basically the entire free people island drifter section.

for real... tree hugging hippy at heart. i want these things sooooo bad. and my birthday is just over a month away, please please please please please please please please please please please gimme these things from gypsy rose!

but gypsy rose, why you no have any actual sizes? i'm a very small girl and i have a hard time believing that one size really fits all.

sorry no tat-tuesday today [and lack of other posts in general], i'm feeling burned out on work and such. send me things to cheer me up?


tilt | things i love thursday

summer is officially here... and if that isn't something to love, i don't know what is! i dream of going to the beach this summer and if we could make it to florida that would be even better, but we haven't started making any vacation plans yet.

here's some things i'm loving this week:

art student owl... they always crack me up and i if i could go back in time to high school i would have went to art school despite being discouraged and told artists don't make any money. because who really cares if you don't make a fortune if you love your work and have pride in it. thanks for the advice guidance counselors, you suck! shit, that wasn't positive, sorry.

essie's nice is nice... i finally see what all the fuss about essie nail polishes is. this stuff stayed on flawlessly for a week and a half which is better luck than i have ever had with a nail polish. seriously, i garden, take care of a toddler, and swim, i'm usually lucky if my polish stays on for one day. plus this shade of lavender is perfection and it looks great against my skin tone.

jeans that fit... i've lost 25 pounds this year. and nearly 50 from what i weighed when i was pregnant last may. this week i finally bought a pair of pants that fit me and i was extremely happy to see what size i am now!

anthropologie plates... well anthropologie anything really. get in my freakin life. these are the natural world dessert plates and ladies-in-waiting dinner plates.

and some awesome links that i have bookmarked this week. mostly diy and photography stuff:
i also made a facebook page for my photography this week. which apparently i should have done long ago because within minutes of creating the page i got a gig lined up for this weekend. plus it's way easier to share photos there than trying to coax people to my tumblr.



oh deer

neck stars

This intricate piece depicts a vestal virgin, the solar system, the sun, and a tree. Vestal virgin were powerful holy female priests in the Roman Empire. Apparently, they were something like witches. The bottom half where the solar system is depicted shows each planet, and it’s actual placement in orbit relative to the other planets. So cool! (via Office Style: Tattoos Round 2 | Free People Clothing Boutique Blog)

sorry so quiet around here... i'm exhausted, stressed, i need a vacation... but i know how much you guys like tat-tuesdays so i had to make a post today!



the placement of the star on her shoulder bone is perfection!