Oh hey you guys... Just taking a break from writing. I'm participating in
NaNoWriMo this year. National Novel Writing Month takes place every November where the goal is to write 1,667 words (or more) per day with no editing. At the end of the month you have a novel, it's just a rough copy, but you did the hard part already and busted out a novel that is around 200 pages.
Anyways, yesterday was rough for me and I thought about quitting. Then when I went to bed last night it hit me that I need to change the story a little bit and things started rolling along quite nicely again today... So yay for that.
So if you are counting I've committed the following to myself:
- project 365 [taking a photo every day for a year, you can see the pictures on my flickr]
- chaque semaine [my 52 week project with karly]
- nanowrimo [thank god only for the month of november]
- plus the regular stuff that mamas with a full time job and photography side hustle do.
If you are wondering where I've disappeared to, probably one of those places. But I like to procrastinate so I'm sure I'll keep blogging (in fact I *think* I have a really amazing photographer feature/interview in the works).
P.S. Why the hell have only two people entered my
Christmas card giveaway? It's November now, you need the cards, enter the giveaway. And if by some small chance you are living in southwestern Virginia (Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Radford, Floyd) I am giving away an senior portrait session and an engagement session on my
photography blog.
Ok, back to writing now loves!