how to dress up as stephen king's carrie white from the movie "carrie" for halloween
Carrie White Halloween Costume Supplies
- Long white/pale pink prom dress
- Costume blood
- A tiara fit for a [prom] queen
- Bouquet of long stem roses
- The old school Carrie movie with Sissy Spacek [reference material]
Carrie White Halloween Costume Hair
Don't put too much time into your hair, after all it will be drenched in blood by the end of the night. Wear it down and mostly straight. Once you have your dress on and are holding your bouquet of roses, you'll need to pour the costume blood directly on top of your head.Carrie White Halloween Costume Makeup
Minimal, natural looking makeup. Maybe some false eyelashes so people will be less freaked out.
So is Carrie going to be your costume this year? I think we should dress up at work.