awesome specials on photos - snapfish has a special through november 2 where you can get 100 free 4x6 photos when you purchase 2 8x10 ones which of course lines up perfectly with halloween. the promotion code is SCARYPRINTS
dressing my little baby man up like an astronaut for his first halloween and hopefully taking him to get some pictures of that and his 6 month pictures taken at the same time.
my mama, always, but had to mention it special today because she is getting me photoshop for christmas because i got ripped off by someone who was selling it on craigslist so now i have a $150 cd shaped coaster that says "photoshop cs4" on it.

this yummy volcom hoodie that i've been lusting after in a local skate shop window for about a month now.
horses. pictures of horses. going to go take pictures of horses and maybe some llamas before it gets too cold out hopefully.
tattoos. it is about time for a new one. and what do i have in mind for my new tattoo? well i have had this image in my mind for a tattoo for a few months now, but no one else thinks it is a good idea.

antoine dodson - "bed intruder song"
Girl! Get your buns down to a fly fishing store! They had all kinds of neat feathers like that at the Orvis store. Hide yo glue guns, hide yo beads cuz Holly's crafting everything!!!